The human body is a complex structure composed of even more complex systems. All of these are interconnected in some way. If you ever experience issues with your gums and teeth, it could mean that other areas of your body are experiencing negative effects as well. The truth is that poor dental health speaks a lot about one’s overall health.
What is Oral Health?
Oral health is the result of properly caring for your mouth, gums, and teeth. Good oral hygiene is a worthy goal in itself. Researchers are discovering more and more reasons why an individual should brush and floss. Understanding the importance of oral hygiene can prevent a great number of diseases. In addition, it can also lower the risk of any serious health problems such as diabetes, heart attack, stroke, and plenty more. This article aims to assist you in understanding the relationship between good oral hygiene and your overall health.
Top Reasons Why Good Dental Hygiene is Important
One of the common misconceptions about pursuing good oral health is that it is simply to maintain a healthy set of teeth. While teeth cleaning Beaufort SC plays a major role in maintaining one’s oral hygiene, the main reason why we do this is to maintain our body’s overall health. With this in mind, here are some of the top reasons why we should have good dental hygiene:
Detection of Diseases
Regular visits to the dental office Beaufort SC can help you detect any diseases and cavities in your mouth. Keep in mind that you should visit the dentist at least every six months. A lot can happen in six months. New bacteria have probably already formed, and you may have incurred a new disease such as acid reflux, tooth grinding, heart problems, dementia, oral cancer, mental health issues, vitamin deficiencies, or osteoporosis.
Prevention of Diseases
Let us jump right into the main event – a good dental hygiene’s main role is to lower the risk of your body incurring diseases in addition to detecting them. A great number of infections actually start in the mouth. Furthermore, these infections can actually pave the way to more complications and diseases such as coronary artery disease, respiratory problems, Periodontitis, asthma, arthritis, stroke, and premature births.
Healthy Set of Teeth
One of the most obvious reasons for regular maintenance of dental hygiene is to maintain your smile. While having a healthy set of teeth is the primary concern or motivation for good oral hygiene, it is also important to be aware of the many benefits of maintaining oral health.
Saliva is a Great Defense against Diseases
Here’s another reason why you should visit a dental hygienist Beaufort SC: without proper oral hygiene, your saliva cannot fulfill its role of protecting you against a number of disease-causing bacterias. However, this is not all! Saliva is actually used as a helpful diagnostic tool by dentists. Your doctor uses your saliva to aid in detecting any substance in your body. Cortisol levels in your saliva are normally used to test children for their stress responses. In addition, it can also be used to detect bone loss in both men and women or if they are prone to osteoporosis. Your saliva contains antibodies that attack viral pathogens. It also contains
What Should You Do to Prevent Having Bad Oral Hygiene?
It is crucial to realize the importance of having good oral hygiene. Now that you are fully aware of what could happen without it, here are things that you can do to prevent oral diseases and maintain overall dental health. You should brush your teeth at least twice a day. In addition, floss every day for the purpose of removing any plaque your toothbrush cannot normally reach. You should avoid smoking cigarettes and tobacco as these contribute to oral cancer as well as gum diseases. Also, eat a healthy diet to ensure that you are getting your daily vitamins, some of which can help prevent gum diseases. Finally, visit the dentist regularly to see if there is anything you can do to ensure that your teeth are always healthy.
The act of preserving your white teeth and smile can go a long way. With regular dental visits and proper maintenance of your mouth, you can lower the risk of any oral diseases which have the potential to lead to something more serious.